Monday, May 4, 2009

so sensitive

i'm finding as i get older that i am more and more sensitive to various dermal irritants. when i was pregnant, i had the most horrible rash dotted over my body -- legs, arms, breasts, butt, stomach. my gp prescribed steroids and a skin-thinning cream(!). i was going crazy. i got no help determining the cause so i started a vague elimination plan and luckily hit on the cause almost immediately: dryer sheets.

lately it seems that i cannot wear eye makeup. i tend to buy eye makeup from the same manufacturer (l'oreal, because i'm worth it) and have been using it for years, but for some reason, i'm reacting. time to research hypo-allergenic products. i hope i can find some that are reasonably priced, wear well, and easy to find. i hope this doesn't mean i'm done wearing makeup for good. 

maybe i just need to embrace the au natural. 

btw, we are on day 3 of potty bootcamp and (fingers crossed) it seems to be working. i'll post more after the day is done.


S-BD said...

You should check out the Green & Naturals section of for friendly makeup. Ryan's older sister and her boyfriend work for the online pharmacy, which is based out of Guelph. And they have free shipping! (No, I was not paid for this promo.)

me said...

good luck with potty boot camp... that is always a bit of a challenge, but worth it :)

Great scarf for your date! Glad you're still knitting with little kids around...(that is a challenge, too, but worth it!) keep it up!!!