Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007


i'm sucking large at this blogging thing lately. apologies dear readers (all three of you :).

there's been some knitting but not much. most nights i collapse on the couch too tired to do more than stare dumbly at the tv. i've been battling a cold for over a month and i realized that after three days of walking around saying, my face hurts, that perhaps this cold was bigger than i. indeed. i have a sinus infection. i'm now on some heavy duty antibiotics and after 4 days i feel marginally better but still stuffed up and my face still hurts.

we got a (real!) christmas tree on december 1. i got as far as putting on the lights and about 20 ornaments and that's about it. maybe today i'll finish it. it's hard to get anything accomplished when the wee one is awake and when he's sleeping i want to sleep too.

we had a quick and lovely visit with hk & ken last week. the coffee is amazing. the chocolate bark is almost gone (yum!). and monkey loves his little crayola critters, pushing them around the coffee table in their little car. thank you for the presents and your presence.

on the knitting front, i made my standard baby hat for my friend mari. i made it in orange because mari is a redhead i knew she wanted a red-headed baby. i had the same wish for my son and since we can't control these things, she got an orange hat instead. good thing too because miss ella's hair is decidedly not red. i've also started a cream coloured version for my workmate who had her son on friday.

back in november i started a scarf for the boy using a gray-black variegated alpaca. i didn't like the stitch with the yarn so ripped it out. i tried plain garter but didn't like that so i ripped it out. i tried a sideways scarf but meh so i ripped it out. i'm now on version 4 with a 4 by 2 rib that is ok but not great. i obviously don't like it because i've only got about 6 inches done. i'll probably rip it out. i hate knitting projects that don't wow me.

we took the wee monkey for a hair cut yesterday. he looks like such a big boy. definitely not a baby any more. he's pulling my toes. i need to go.