Saturday, March 8, 2008


my LYS, the one at the end of my street, is closing its doors.

this sucks, to be sure.

i was there this morning and i felt like a carrion bird, picking the meat off the carcass. 50% off!

it is good news for karen at shall we knit. it was just nice having a yarn store so close.


S-BD said...

When you emailed me the sad news, I was surprised by how genuinely sad I was. I'm heading over tomorrow to take my turn as a vulture, and use up the gift certificates I got for Christmas. At least LM is still within a quick ride or a relatively short walk from us.

Trixie said...

you're totally gonna score with that gift certificate!

i was eyeing up a swift yesterday but even 50% off i can't bring myself to do it.