Thursday, September 6, 2007


for some reason, the kid has taken to waking up at 5:30 am. what a god awful time. and over the weekend he figured out how to pull himself up to a standing position in his crib. but can't figure out how to sit back down. so squawking ensues. at 5:30 in the morning.

our morning double shot of espresso has never been more mandatory, our need for caffeine never so great.

sunday morning the boy was downstairs steaming the milk, grinding the beans, etc. the kid and i were playing with puzzles and dinosaurs awaiting our morning milky beverages when the boy walks into the room with his eyes almost falling out of his head.

"the machine is fried!" he cried out in anguish.


"daa daa daaaaaaa bleag be ah da dada daaa" (that's baby j talking)

"the machine just died! i was steaming the milk! and the power kinda surged! and the display went wooom! and then i smelt something burning! so i unplugged the machine! and! the! machine! is! fried!" (which i know makes it look like he had just done 6 shots of espresso but those are exclamation marks of disbelief not hyperactivity, trust me.)

"what time does starbucks open?"

"not soon enough"

actually, we've been surviving with drip coffee. though the boy did admit he went to starbucks this morning -- and that the $4 bevy tasted like ass. them starbucks employees don't know how to make a drink if it doesn't have some kind of syrup in it and whipping cream on top. sheesh.

anyway, dead machine + 5:30 am wake ups = tired kitten.

in knitting news, i finished the green (plum) gable. wee! i need to wash and block it. and our tuesday night knit club is up and running again.

in book news, i'm re-reading the golden compass. my sister in law gave it to me in 1999 or 2000. i know i read it and the rest in the series but wow, i have no recollection of the story at all except for the daemons.


Ms. Hedda said...

Oh, the poor machine! remember when you got it, so many years ago (seriously - it's like nearly 10 years old, no? Unless you replaced it in the meantime...)

A faithful friend, that's for sure.

I hadn't heard of the Golden Compass until I saw the movie trailer. Is it good?

Trixie said...

i bought the barrista zia for john in 1997. it wasn't keeping up and john was tired of the manual-ness of it all.

we went super-automatic (seriously, that's what they're called), about 3.5 years ago. this one cost a pretty penny but all you have to do is steam the milk, the rest happens by magic. we need to find out how much it will cost to get it fixed...

the golden compass is...hmmm. i've read a few blogs where people dislike harry potter and say to read this series instead. i love the harry series so i'm re-reading this with a it is really so much better attitdue. so far i've deduced that reading is, as with everything, a matter of personal taste.

i have no problem suspending my disbelief that the word is full of witches and wizards but i have a much harder time entering an entirely different world. i've never been a fantasy fan. i think i'm too practical. heh.

i don't like reading a story and not understanding half of it and trudging along in the hopes that it will get explained eventually.

having said that, there is an intelligence to this book. i can see a mature 12 year old loving this book. and since i've forgotten it entirely i'm getting swept up with the story.

Ms. Hedda said...

Good luck with Super-automatic barrista. Hope you're managing in the meantime. (I'm not even joking, I know how important that ritual first coffee is!)

Also, meant to say congrats on finishing the GG! I haven't worked on mine in a month - though I'm so close! I just need to knit a few more inches at the bottom (ok, maybe four), do the sleeves, then sew and block. And maybe figure out what to do about the flaw on the nipple. I took the project to Hamilton when I was there Monday and Tuesday, but didn't work on it at all. I focused on Baba and The White Bone. (Which I'm really enjoying.)

Mrs. Young said...

Oh dear god! What do you mean "the boy" didn't like his over-priced burnt-to-bloody-bitter-bean bevy? Impossible!