Friday, May 4, 2007

WIP friday

here's where i am on the green (plum) gable; trucking along just fine. the rows are going faster and faster thanks to the decreases. it fits fine but i think i could've probably gone smaller. the sleeves will be less bat-like once i add the ribbing. they wont be tight but they also wont flare out so much which is a good thing.

i need to take a small break from the sweater. the guild issued a felting challenge for the next meeting and that's tuesday. eep. i think i'm going to make the clutch from one skein (i love this book) using some stash (!) patons classic merino. of course i do have some lovely lopi in the stash (!!) that would work just as well...

p.s. please ignore the slightly stunned look on my face. the wee one just had a traumatic launch into his nap. nothing serious but oh the tears.

p.p.s. ms. hedda, did you know crazy aunt purl has a book?

1 comment:

Ms. Hedda said...

You're purdy. It's a great pic. But you do look a little... bemused.

Wow - it is coming along! A break is a good idea; then I can catch up. :-) I'm plugging along, but am just starting the decreases. (Or, I will be, when I pick it up again, hopefully tomorrow. After the yardwork.

Yes, I knew about the book - I visit Auntie every day!