a michael buble cd. she asked for it. i was kinda mortified standing at hmv buying that cd. to temper the purchase, i picked back to black by amy winehouse. i've been meaning to pick up this cd for ages. a couple weeks ago i dithered between it and lily allen and lily won out. i've been listening to both a bit obsessively for days now. lily is fun with a capital F, absolutely perfect for summer, bopping around, and being silly. amy makes you want to break out the whiskey, light some candles, toss a scarf over the lamp, and fill an ashtray. the album is filled with demented do-wop songs about tragic love affairs. i totally get her drug/alcohol addictions. i'd have a smack problem too if i sung my guts out night after night like she does. go listen to her. i think she's only 24.
Embarrassing admission - I love Michale Buble. Can't help it. I love Sinatra, and so it is only natural to like Buble also. Don't hate me.
Ooh - Amy Winehouse is now on my wishlist! Very Shirley Horn. I've never heard of her (though I've been dosed with Lily Allen via my usual channel - CBC). How can she be only 24?
Heh. I should've called you last night. I was bereft of my family and feeling unexpectedly, well... bereft. I watched 5 back-to-back episodes of Grey's Anatomy to fill the void. (When I should've been working. But thus flows the river of woe.)
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