Monday, April 2, 2007

where it's at

(got two turn tables and a microphone...)
i'm on the last row of the lace repeats. the sweater is knitting up quickly but i'm still a mite concerned about the size. can't wait to get the sleeves done so i can try it on.
the colour is a bit more plum-y, less purple.


Ms. Hedda said...

Love the colour! It's looking good. The sizing thing is a bit like a cliffhanger, isn't it?

Are you knitting OUTSIDE?!

Trixie said...

the color is nice. it was in the sale bin for ages and ages. at 50% the last sale price, i couldn't resist. it seems to be working out for me.

not knitting outside. it is gray, overcast, and dark inside. inside pictures were not working out. i went out onto the porch to quickly snap some pictures and then scurried back inside. brrr. hard to take after walking around in sandals and capris last week.

Ms. Hedda said...

Sandals and capris? What are those?

I can hardly remember...