Wednesday, April 18, 2007


here's the plum (green) gable on. i'm feeling hmmmm about it.

(it is hard to get a flattering picture of the chesticular region. i had to cropped the girls to keep them from dominating the picture and encourage you to instead look at the sweater.)

anyway, the sweater. the sleeves are a good length but roomier than i was hoping. i'm glad they are not tight sleeves but...i...hmm. they aren't bad-awful. i think they'll be ok. i think the sweater will be much improved when it is longer and covers the girls, helping tug the thing down and into place. and blocking the neckline will help with the curl.

so i maintain hmmm for now and will see what i think after a few more inches. i do like the top-down construction of the sweater. it's neat-o keen.


Ms. Hedda said...

I think it's likely that when the sweater is filled out by the girls, it'll snug up everywhere else. Are you finished the increases?

It looks really cool though. The top-down thing IS really swell - it's a great concept to learn; makes so much sense once you get going.

I'm partway through part C - hopefully by the weekend I'll have some try-on pics too.

Trixie said...

i agree, once it is longer, it'll fit properly. i am done the repeats. straight st st for the next while.