Tuesday, January 8, 2008

look ma! knitting

i'm actually kinda doing some knitting. i took lynn's advice on the basket weave and am knitting that alpaca into a manly scarf that has manly approval. only it is going so s-l-o-w. taking forever. sheesh.

on the upside my mom is having surgery* on the 31st and i've booked off a week to take care of her. i see lots of knitting happening in that week. i'm thinking about casting on the hourglass sweater.

*if there is an upside to surgery, concentrated knitting time would be it.


Ms. Hedda said...

Surgery? I hope it's minor - not too serious? Send Mom best wishes from me.

Your basketweave is lovely.

Trixie said...

mom's having a hysterectomy. she had a few episodes of spontaneous bleeding and she's way past her mensus. turns out she has rather large fibroids and she could get them scraped out (urgh) but they might come back and they might be cancerous. full uterus removal it is then.

my aunt has fibroids and apparently i do too so this could be my future. woot.

Ms. Hedda said...

Oh no! That's not a small operation. I hope it goes well for her and she ends up all fixed up.

Hopefully you won't have trouble for a long long time. And who knows what technology will bring?

Poo on uterine genetics.

Mrs. Young said...

Poor mom!

Hope everything turns out well.